Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014: Day 3, 8,000 Words, and a Great Start

I wasn't planning on doing NaNo this year. It wasn't because I didn't want to--oh, no--it was because my computer, in the heat of the moment, had a complete mental breakdown and decided to just... quit. But then, right on November first, my dad was gracious enough to let me use his laptop (meaning that I took it because, technically, it's my laptop that I just let him use since I got a new one). On the first, I wrote about 2,000 words (somewhere around 1980), and I outlined a bit of my novel (yes, I'm editing while I write. Don't judge me).

Yesterday, I got up to about 5,000 and outlined further. It's a great start, considering now that I'm nearly two days ahead on my word count (at around 8,000 words).

I'm writing Smoke Season, and here's the cover:

Beautiful, isn't it? Of course it is. It was a last-minute type-deal; I can't stand looking at my NaNo stats, which I do quite often, and not having a cover there. The ones I make are nothing official, and most certainly aren't completely made by me. I find an image on google, open GIMP, and do a little editing and then presto! Beautiful, totally professional-looking cover.

The story is about a post-apocalyptic Grand Canyon; there are three tribes: the Boneheads, the Lurkers, and the Redmen. The story follows three people, one from each tribe: Joshua Grey, Sequoia, and North respectively. Here's my NaNo summary:

A prophecy foretells that every seven years will be a "Smoke Season;" and all the tribes that reside in the Grand Canyon shall war, and when that war is over, there will be peace, until the next season comes. During the last season, one tribe was reduced to nearly nothing, and another was forced to live in the night. The third prospers, larger than ever, and thirsty for power.

Joshua Grey is not happy with his past, and he is determined to restore his tribe to its former glory.

Sequoia does not want to rekindle old flames, and wishes to avoid her former lover at all costs, even if it means to kill him.

North was caught in the middle of the beginning of the season, as the son of the royal family. He didn't want to be here, but now he wants revenge.

So, yeah. Needless to say, my story is pretty awesome. My only qualm is that with a war story comes quite a bit of action, and when I write action I write it like it's an action movie, not an action book. I've never actually read a whole lot of action in a book before. Maybe that's because action is more of a visual thing, like the awesome round-house kicks and the epic fly-across-the-room-and-kick-him-out-the-window type things. Again, needless to say, I suck at writing action.

I've got a good feeling about NaNo this year though. I know I haven't been blogging a lot; I mainly like having this so if I have any bouts of writing inspiration I can come here and type as if I were talking to an actual person, since my friends hold more interest in nerdy things that do not pertain to literature.

It's really cool, though, because when I write, I write. Like, I remember my past NaNoWriMos; all months, I was in the freaking zone. I would get all set up at my desk and arrange my things in a zen sorta way and I'd light a candle or incense and then I'd go to town on that draft. It's like a pattern; when I'm in a good writing grove, my room always smells like burning biotic matter and my computer's usually super hot. Also, I sleep and eat A LOT when I write (except when I get one of those 2AM moods where I feel like building a house and waging and winning a war on Russia).

The cool thing about writing a story that has three different narrators is that I have so much time and essence to find different ways to describe scenes, to explore the human mind and, best of all, to get to know my characters more. It gives me a bit of extra freedom and some filler. Like, it's cool that I can describe one situation one way, but describe it a bit differently through the eyes of another character. It kinda foretells that thing where people notice what they want to, and some notice certain details while others don't really notice anything. It's quite interesting.

I'll see you guys soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Welcome, Once Again

Hello, I am just gonna skip all of the formalities of "Sorry I've been gone, I suck at blogging," because I've done it a hundred times and probably won't stop.

If you click on the "projects" tab at the top of my blog, you will be taken to a page with a list. The first item on that list will be a story I wrote last Thanksgiving called Psithurisma. I finished that story a year ago, and now I'm kinda... re-opening it?

Psithurisma is a unique story. It's written in a very original way. It's set up like so:

0 1
dear god,

today i was outside and it was sunny, but it was raining too. i found this a terrific example of irony.

0 2
dear steve,

i don’t like rain. it’s supposed to be so great but all it does is smell weird and stick your hair to your face. i don’t know why i created it.

It's kinda written like letters, each letter being one chapter. The letters vary in length, but overall they aren't at all that long.

What I mean when I say I'm re-opening this project is that I'm building upon it. I've decided I'm gonna write 2 other stories like this and compile them into one... thing... called Letters Between Existence. I've already started working on part 2, Serein. I think I might call part three Finifugal.

The structure will be like this: Serein will be the first story to appear in the compilation. Serein is an exchange of letters between Death and a girl named Olivia, who is--essentially--Death's counterpart, Life. Then I will have Psithurisma, and it will end with Finifugal, because "finifugal" is an adjective that means hating endings (irony!!!). Part 1,   Serein, is an exchange between two non-existent entities; part 2, Psithurisma, is an exchange between an existent entity and a non-existent one; part 3, Finifugal, will be an exchange between two existent people. Thusly, Letters Between Existence.

Fun fact: you can actually read Psithurisma in its entirety if you click the "Psithurisma" tab.

I have high hopes for this story.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Not even a week into my new schedule and I've already missed a blog. I am such a horrible person omf

Okay, so aside from my trouble with remembering when to blog (maybe I need a calendar or white board or something?), I am also having trouble thinking of what to write I'm not having trouble writing, what I'm having trouble with is actually sticking to an idea.

Survive is kinda still on. Monday, I started writing this new story I think is called Rush, but right now I am absolutely in the mood for some sci-fi/dystopian stuff. I think I need some Ritalin and to sit down in a quiet room.

On the brightside, I'll be alone for the rest of today and tomorrow. My mom and stepdad went out on a honeymoon thing for two days. I haven't done much.

I'll be sure to try and keep on schedule. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Updates and Some Goals

So, in the past God-knows-how-long I've not written a thing, 'sept maybe a few words here and there, but nothing serious. Now I plan to change all of that.

My apologies for not blogging.

I now have a plan.

After I get my surgery in a month or two, I'm gonna work on making myself more responsible and organized. I'm gonna write every day, blog 3 times a week, and all that good stuff (on top of that, I'm eating a better diet and I'm going to start exercising and actually studying for school.)

I've updated a few things on my blog. As you may or may not have noticed, probably not, there's a new tab. Psithurisma is a short story my friend and I wrote together a while back, and I tried to get it published, and now it's sitting dormant as a final draft with no attention really. Feel free to read it. I've also updated my projects tab and added my email on my contact page.

Have a field day.

Expect blogs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 4: Book Covers Galore!

So instead of telling you guys what my wordcount today is (wrote around 1,400; 17431 total), I'm gonna show you guys some book covers!

(all made by me)

So, other than The Risen, I'm pretty sure all of these covers are new to my blog. The Shadow Hunters was a story I wrote in NaNo 2013 (paired with Psithurisma) and immediately deleted out of sheer hatred.  

Survive is an idea I've had with me a long while; I never actually wrote anything that stuck down, it's been evolving since around 2011.  

Deep Freeze is a fairly new idea I got from my creative writing class. On Fridays, we play this game where we're separated into two teams and whichever team can make up the best storyline with their given objects/settings wins. We made the idea for Deep Freeze, and I decided to write it.  

How to Be a God is an idea I've had for a short while but it never really evolved into anything special.
 I still like the cover, though.

The Hunters and the Hunted is a story I really enjoyed writing. It's a vampire story, taking place during Victorian-era in England. I got about 11,000 words in before getting a heap of writer's block and putting a halt to it. The people that read it said it was good, and I liked that, so I might continue it sometime (though it's more adult than YA).

i am off

Friday, April 4, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 3

So, my book is going to be divided into three parts: book one, book two, and book three. Book one is all about my hero getting engulfed into this new world he's forced to live in (slavery to the upper echelon of power), book two is about how he fairs in that world (doing jobs, learning the pros and cons, and getting the biggest mission ever), and book three is about the effect that his actions have on the world (it's gonna end).

I finished book one today, at 16,012 words and exactly 60 pages, times new roman 12pt font double-spaced with 1'' margins all around. I wrote a little over 2000 words today, my daily goal, and I also achieved another goal: I didn't take a nap!!

Favorite line written today:
They screamed insults at him, spoke in gibberish, and even told him that he was dead, but the one question that stood out was when someone asked Why?”
It was a satanical voice, echoing through his mind.
He didn't not know the answer. He did not know why, nor did he know how. All he knew was that he was alive, and they were dead, and that he didn't mean for it to be this way and that some part of him wished it was the other way around.
Then all they were asking was “Why?” The gibberish turned into the word; the insults morphed their way into the question. It grew so loud that Titan clasped his hands over his ears, screaming to get the word out of his brain.

Titan sat up, in bed, his hands over his head and screaming, “I don't know!”
“I don't know,” he said, getting quieter as he realized where he was. He pulled the covers over his person, shivering quietly as tears began to rush town his face. “...I don't know.”

Ahh I am gone, friends. Goodnight. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 2

Today was the second day of the April session of Camp NaNo!
I got my words done yesterday before I went to bed, and today I finished too! I've written about 3,715 for Camp and my novel has a collective 13,750 words! It's going great so far, if I do say so myself. The best way to win is to get ahead in the beginning (and maybe have a plan, but I'm a pantser.)

Favorite line written today:
He dreamed he was a tree, plunging his roots into the ground and actually becoming what stabilizes the environment around him. As he stood before the fire, his skin hardened and browned-forming cracks which made bark. He grew taller and fatter, his feet digging into the ground to make roots. His arms raised, sticking out and making branches as he grew and grew. Leaves hung from him and he became something that seemed so insignificant, but so important at the same time.

ahh I loved this so much. 
I am gone, friends!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 1

Today was day one of the April 2014 session of Camp NaNoWriMo. Last night, I stayed awake until roughly two o'clock. I got 1,232 words done before going to bed. At school I wrote about 300 (give or take) more.

Believe it or not, I am extremely tired. I am still a high school student, which means waking up in the wee hours of the morning (6:15) and going to prison (literally, everyone in my town hated my school when it was first built because it resembled a prison more-so than a school).

Favorite line written today:

Eris knelt down very low with her knee on Titan's back. Her lips were inches from his ear as she whispered the last line of the song: “And so, as it goes, it closed in on itself, never to see another star again.”

 I'm going to definitely write more later, but for now I need a nap.

 Total Words Written
1,532 (for NaNoWriMo)
Words Remaining

Current Day

Days Left
Total Word Count 
11,312 (according to, counting words prev. to NaNoWriMo)

Friday, March 28, 2014


I was actually about to go to bed, seeing as to how it's nearly 1AM, but I decided to blog.

Okay, so I've decided that I will do Camp NaNo. I am going to be working on a story I have brewing called The Wrong Devices. It's a sci-fi fantasy about this guy named Titan, who is turned into an Otro--a servant--to the government and has to kidnap the Veret--the queen, essentally.

I've already written some of it--roughly 8,000 words--but I'm gonna try to hold off until April. I'm shooting for around 60,000 words, give or take a couple thousand.

I am off.

(You can read more about my story in the Projects tab.)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Neglect, Updates, and Camp NaNo

Story time:

So awhile back, somewhere around July-August of last year, I made the acquaintance of this wonderful, artistic, singing girl over the internet. I helped her work up the confidence to actually finish and like her first song, I helped her put together a Bandcamp profile (click here!) and I even worked with her to make some album art. She's a great photographer, and here are some of the ones I made:

both pictures taken by her and edited by me
She has four songs on her Bandcamp at the moment: covers of Across the Universe by the Beatles, Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation, and Brave as a Noun by Andrew Jihad. Her oldest song is an original, one that I am quite fond of.

Anyways, so why am I telling all of this? Because I was just editing her Bandcamp, and I remembered that I had a blog and that I should probably update it!

Anyways, I won NaNoWriMo 2013 by working on two stories. I got my original idea, which no longer exists in the word document due to immense hatred, and a co-write done. The co-write, which I absolutely had great amounts of fun writing and even cried a bit when it was done, will be available on Kindle soon! (Hopefully. I'm still a minor, so parental dictation and all that.)

Okay, so I completely forgot about NaNoWriMo. I've been writing somewhat a lot this year, but not much. I'm in a creative writing class, so that kind of helps. I'm not too sure if I'm up for this year's April session because school is so damn hard. I have, like, 3 Ds. We just started the last quarter and I have 3 Ds. (If it's any consolation, I also have 3 As and a B! ((Update: Just checked and saw I brought one of my Ds up to a pretty high C and that, in fact, one of my As disappeared. I am so confused.))

Anyways, that is all.