Saturday, April 5, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 4: Book Covers Galore!

So instead of telling you guys what my wordcount today is (wrote around 1,400; 17431 total), I'm gonna show you guys some book covers!

(all made by me)

So, other than The Risen, I'm pretty sure all of these covers are new to my blog. The Shadow Hunters was a story I wrote in NaNo 2013 (paired with Psithurisma) and immediately deleted out of sheer hatred.  

Survive is an idea I've had with me a long while; I never actually wrote anything that stuck down, it's been evolving since around 2011.  

Deep Freeze is a fairly new idea I got from my creative writing class. On Fridays, we play this game where we're separated into two teams and whichever team can make up the best storyline with their given objects/settings wins. We made the idea for Deep Freeze, and I decided to write it.  

How to Be a God is an idea I've had for a short while but it never really evolved into anything special.
 I still like the cover, though.

The Hunters and the Hunted is a story I really enjoyed writing. It's a vampire story, taking place during Victorian-era in England. I got about 11,000 words in before getting a heap of writer's block and putting a halt to it. The people that read it said it was good, and I liked that, so I might continue it sometime (though it's more adult than YA).

i am off

Friday, April 4, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 3

So, my book is going to be divided into three parts: book one, book two, and book three. Book one is all about my hero getting engulfed into this new world he's forced to live in (slavery to the upper echelon of power), book two is about how he fairs in that world (doing jobs, learning the pros and cons, and getting the biggest mission ever), and book three is about the effect that his actions have on the world (it's gonna end).

I finished book one today, at 16,012 words and exactly 60 pages, times new roman 12pt font double-spaced with 1'' margins all around. I wrote a little over 2000 words today, my daily goal, and I also achieved another goal: I didn't take a nap!!

Favorite line written today:
They screamed insults at him, spoke in gibberish, and even told him that he was dead, but the one question that stood out was when someone asked Why?”
It was a satanical voice, echoing through his mind.
He didn't not know the answer. He did not know why, nor did he know how. All he knew was that he was alive, and they were dead, and that he didn't mean for it to be this way and that some part of him wished it was the other way around.
Then all they were asking was “Why?” The gibberish turned into the word; the insults morphed their way into the question. It grew so loud that Titan clasped his hands over his ears, screaming to get the word out of his brain.

Titan sat up, in bed, his hands over his head and screaming, “I don't know!”
“I don't know,” he said, getting quieter as he realized where he was. He pulled the covers over his person, shivering quietly as tears began to rush town his face. “...I don't know.”

Ahh I am gone, friends. Goodnight. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 2

Today was the second day of the April session of Camp NaNo!
I got my words done yesterday before I went to bed, and today I finished too! I've written about 3,715 for Camp and my novel has a collective 13,750 words! It's going great so far, if I do say so myself. The best way to win is to get ahead in the beginning (and maybe have a plan, but I'm a pantser.)

Favorite line written today:
He dreamed he was a tree, plunging his roots into the ground and actually becoming what stabilizes the environment around him. As he stood before the fire, his skin hardened and browned-forming cracks which made bark. He grew taller and fatter, his feet digging into the ground to make roots. His arms raised, sticking out and making branches as he grew and grew. Leaves hung from him and he became something that seemed so insignificant, but so important at the same time.

ahh I loved this so much. 
I am gone, friends!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Camp NaNo Day 1

Today was day one of the April 2014 session of Camp NaNoWriMo. Last night, I stayed awake until roughly two o'clock. I got 1,232 words done before going to bed. At school I wrote about 300 (give or take) more.

Believe it or not, I am extremely tired. I am still a high school student, which means waking up in the wee hours of the morning (6:15) and going to prison (literally, everyone in my town hated my school when it was first built because it resembled a prison more-so than a school).

Favorite line written today:

Eris knelt down very low with her knee on Titan's back. Her lips were inches from his ear as she whispered the last line of the song: “And so, as it goes, it closed in on itself, never to see another star again.”

 I'm going to definitely write more later, but for now I need a nap.

 Total Words Written
1,532 (for NaNoWriMo)
Words Remaining

Current Day

Days Left
Total Word Count 
11,312 (according to, counting words prev. to NaNoWriMo)