Hello guys! how have you been without me? Did you miss me?
Here, since I'vent updated anything since my last blog, I'm just going to dedicate this blog to my writing and reading.
So, let's start of with my reading in case you don't want to hear my narcissism.
I'm currently reading:
The Red Pyramid, Rick Riordan. My thoughts: I really enjoy all of Rick Riordan's books. He is such a fantastic author. But the Kane Chronicles is by far the best of all of his series, I think.
11/22/63, Stephen King. My thoughts: I love Stephen King, I even call myself 'the future Stephen King' just to prove my enjoyment of him and my passion for writing. This one is about the assassination of a president, I think. I'm not very far in it--only chapter two. It's amazing so far.
Now, time for my writing! :D
New Project: Indigo. This is about 3 kids and 3 ghosts. The ghosts are Abigail Smith, a 1st lady, I forget his name, but he was someone who was against abolishing slavery during the Civil War because he didn't believe in abolishing things, and president Nixon. As they go throughout the story, the 3 ghosts lead the kids to several battle sites across America and uncover a sting of deceit committed by the American government. So far I have about 2.5K words.
Perfect World. I'm not sure if I've told you about this, but it's kind of a long concept, so I'm just going to assume I have. I am at 4K words and I have finished chapter 2, working on 3.
The Ice Queen. I don't know if you know this, but in late January I took a break from it. Now I'm starting it back up again. I am currently at 11K words, and working on chapter four.
thanks, bye.
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